Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Homeopathy medical research

For over 200 years, homeopathy has been practiced throughout the world. Although it is the medicine of choice for millions of individuals including the British royal family, it still remains very much on the fringe of modern medicine.

Founded in Germany in the 1700s by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician and chemist, homeopathy is based on the principle that "like cures like".

During an investigation of the physiological effects of Peruvian bark, an herb used in the treatment of malaria, Hahnemann noticed that while taking the bark he developed symptoms very similar to those of malaria.

Subsequent research of the medical literature led Hahnemann to the discovery that drug overdoses often produced symptoms that resembled the conditions treated by the drug. Hahnemann theorized that the curative effects of a substance resulted from its capacity to produce symptoms similar to those of the disease.

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