Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Low candidature queries to tune

column load format a6 justify right
column executes format 9999999
break on load on executes

select substr(to_char(s.pct, '99.00'), 2) '%' load, s.executions executes, p.sql_textfrom ( select address, buffer_gets, executions, pct, rank() over (order by buffer_gets desc) ranking from ( select address, buffer_gets, executions, 100 * ratio_to_report(buffer_gets) over () pct from sys.v_$sql where command_type != 47 ) where buffer_gets > 50 * executions ) s, sys.v_$sqltext pwhere s.ranking <= 5 and p.address = s.addressorder by 1, s.address, p.piece

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